The Community at Sunset Wood

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Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-30-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                  March 30, 2020

        As you may have heard on the news, our federal, state and local officials have extended the COVID-19 response guidelines until April 30th. Although this is disappointing to hear, we totally understand the seriousness of this situation and how we have to continue our precautions until well after the “peak” of this virus. It is projected that the highest number of cases in the U.S. will be reached by Easter Sunday.

Therefore, in order to keep you SAFE & HEALTHY, we will continue our internal precautions with minor tweaks as we move forward. The information changes almost on an hourly basis, so we are adapting with what is being presented to us. One change moving forward is that Dairy Delivery will be done on Fridays until further notice.

        We know that not only is this virus a threat, but so are the results from social isolation. We are working as a team to figure out how we can bring you motivating, inspirational, thoughtful & productive gifts at your door. The Sunset Wood Team is speaking daily about how we can improve our services with the new reality we are dealing with.

        Federal & State officials have continued the following precautions:

-        Listen to and follow the directions of your federal, state and local authorities

-        If you feel sick, call your medical provider

-        Matilda Laws are still in effect

o  New York State’s vulnerable populations, including individuals age 70 and older, those with compromised immune systems and those with underlying illnesses

o  Measure requires this group to stay home and limit home visitation to immediate family members or close friends only when in need of emergency assistance

o  If a visit is necessary, this visitor must get prescreened at the front office and both individuals should wear a mask for the duration of the visit.

o  Can go outside for solitary exercise

o  Always stay at least six feet away from individuals

These regulations are outside of our control – however, our response is 100% in our control. The more we abide by these precautions, the sooner we can get back to having fun. Please, tell you family members the seriousness of this situation because they should be practicing these precautions even more than you!

Stay Safe & Healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO