Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 3-18-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                  March 18, 2020

        News broke today that there was a second positive case of COVID-19 within Oneida County. Although that number is not large, the potential for those who may have the virus is still high. With that being said, The Community at Sunset Wood will continue taking the same precautions:

-        Effective immediately there will be a front office staff member in the building seven (7) days per week to screen guests while helping with questions, comments or concerns.

-        Gov. Cuomo mandated that we operate at only 50% of workforce

o  Therefore, some of our staff members will be working from home

-        We will do our best to send “care packages” like toilet paper and snacks when able to

o  Please, conserve as much toilet paper as you can because manufacturers are still behind on production and stores will not be fully stocked for an unforeseen period of time

-        Transportation appointments to stores must be made AHEAD OF TIME

o  Therefore, look at your inventory of supplies and plan ahead

o  Let front office staff know what specific supplies you are low on

-        All other precautions remain the same until further notice

As we are attempting to keep our tenants & staff safe during this period of uncertainty, please be flexible with the fact that the number of staff members on site will be strategically limited. However, the front office staff member on-site will be able to connect us with anyone needing immediate assistance.


Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO