Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 4-19-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          April 19, 2020

I would like to assure each and every one of you that your safety is always our #1 priority as part of the Sunset Wood family. When it comes to getting back to COVID-19 related topics, we are seeing the numbers go down state-wide. However, we are continuing to see a rise in positive cases in Oneida County which remains cause for concern.

        New York State officials have created a multi-state coalition with Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Delaware to cohesively re-open businesses in all of these states at the same time. They are following federal recommendations on how to make sure we open the economy while keeping our most vulnerable populations safe.

        As of right now, there have been no dates for when these changes may start to occur. All precautions for senior housing communities must remain the same, but I will be in contact with legislative officials constantly to obtain the information on when this may change.

        I will leave you this Sunday with a quote I found:

Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.

-        Christopher Reeve

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO