Sunset Wood COVID-19 Update 5-13-2020

Dear Tenants,                                                          May 13, 2020

        There was a lot of repeat information from all of the lawmakers as Congress is looking to develop the next “stimulus” package in Washington DC, and as Oneida County looks to reopen Phase 1.

        I will be providing you all with a write up that outlines what Phase 1 reopening means for YOU as a Sunset Wood tenant. Each department has their own internal process for how we will move forward with providing you with services. However, we are still at the mercy of state and local agencies as to when and how we are going to be able to start-up certain services again.

        I would also like to stress that although services internally, and out in the community, are opening, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is safe! This virus is still heavily in our local community and closer to home than we ever thought. I urge you to still make good decisions about where you are going, what that person/organization is doing to keep you safe, and monitor yourself for symptoms every day.

Stay safe & healthy,

Dominick M. Manfredo

Executive Director / CEO